The Spotlight on
Andrea Ackerman


Hamptons Luxury Real Estate Specialist for 37 Years
Top 3% Companywide


Share your best advice for an agent just starting out in the industry.  


Protect your reputation. Be patient and work with integrity, create trust, and choose a company that offers you a comfort level and the support you need while learning. It’s a tough business, even though it looks easy. Get ready for a wild ride!


What is it about BHS that you love?


That’s easy! Having come from a luxury boutique firm in the Hamptons, the transition to Brown Harris Stevens was seamless. I had participated in building my previous firm and knew I would require a similar environment of support, family, and approachability on any level with management—and most of all, trust. I wanted to feel like I was surrounded by family.

It was important to me to know that the company was privately held since the 1870s and still stands as the quintessential luxury real estate company, always with an eye for growth. The referral network within BHS is extraordinary, comprising Miami, Palm Beach, New York City, the Hamptons, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Our affiliation with Luxury Portfolio and Leading Real Estate Companies of the World also gives BHS national and international reach. Finally, the award-winning marketing department speaks for itself, always targeting the critical audiences with a carefully tailored approach.


Where is the greatest value in Hamptons real estate right now in this extremely low-inventory market?


Anywhere you can find something to buy that is priced appropriately.


Favorite dining spot in Sag Harbor?


I have recently moved to East Hampton, but my heart is in Sag Harbor. My favorite restaurant is Tutto il Giorn, probably because it also gives me a sense of family in a gorgeous environment, surrounded by beautiful things, and in my favorite village in the Hamptons. The food is consistently good. I think that I must have been Italian in a former life!


What is your favorite charity that you want everyone to know about and why?


Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital works tenaciously to save the lives of children diagnosed with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. They won’t stop until no child dies of cancer. They depend solely on the support of donations.


Tell us something about you few would know.


At the moment, I am studying conversational Spanish and loving it!


What does Mastery of the Craft mean to you?


Brown Harris Stevens represents a truly successful and luxurious brand. I think of uniquely qualified and skilled professionals—both in listing and selling—always getting the client to come out on top, creating trust with and offering guidance from skilled professionals so they are comfortable with their decisions, and finally offering the buyer and the seller strategies that are unique to their personal needs. Our award-winning marketing department targets critical audiences with extraordinary tools offering great exposure, resulting in achieving the highest prices in the shortest period of time.


Choose a photo from your camera roll that is meaningful to you. Tell us about it.


I took this photo sailing past the Statue of Liberty. I chose it because of what the world is going through now. It reminds me of how grateful we should be to have our freedom and live in a democracy and feel protected by our country. I am so proud to be an American. I pray for the Ukrainian people.


Connect with Andrea:


@AndreaAckerman on Instagram